Catherine Palmer, PhD, is an anthropologist, University of Brighton, UK, and a Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute. Her research focuses on identity, heritage and materiality; post-conflict/memorial landscapes; embodiment, tourism; and the coast/seaside. She is the joint book series editor for ’Routledge Advances in Tourism Anthropology’ (with Jo-Anne Lester), and the author of the 2018 Routledge monograph Being and Dwelling Through Tourism: An Anthropological Perspective. She is the editor of Tourism Research Methods: Integrating Theory and Practice (with Pete Burns and Brent Ritchie) and Tourism and Visual Culture: Volume 1 Theories and Concepts (with Pete Burns and Jo-Anne Lester).
Jacqueline Tivers, PhD, is an honorary research associate in geography at Oxford Brookes University, UK, and a previous Chair of the Geography of Leisure and Tourism Research Group of the Royal Geographical Society-Institute of British Geographers. She has published several books, contributions to edited collections, and journal articles during her long career as a lecturer and researcher in geography. She is joint editor (with Tijana Rakic) of Narratives of Travel and Tourism, a previously published book within the ’Geographies of Leisure and Tourism Research Group (GLTRG)’ series.