The main thesis of this book is based on the Rastafarian Movement. This book presents information about this movement, in one place, that is largely not know by the many adherents of the faith. Moreover, this book presents a unique view of the Movement; a view embedded in a Grenadian Caribbean experience. This view, however, is not narrowly placed, but is argued within a wider world context, and, thus, explains whether the Rastafarian movement can be a force for good, both within the black community and the world at large. Editor and author Norm R. Allen Jr. said that "This well-researched book expertly demolishes the ridiculous notion among Rastafarians that Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia is God. Moreover, Lewis offers many excellent critiques of theism, the Bible, Rastafarianism, Afrocentric thought and religion in general." This book is informative to everyone.