This book compares knowledge of prehistoric things from two dissimilar sources. It presents knowledge in chronological order and shows the remarkable similarity demonstrating the fact the ancient source of knowledge had it right long before modern science discovered the same things. The first source is the written record in ancient scriptures of the bible. The second source is the evidence that is recorded in geology and astronomy. This information is presented here as a timeline of how the earth was formed. The inspiration for the name of this book comes from the second verse in the bible. "And the Earth was without form and void. And Darkness was upon the face of the deep..." Genesis 1:2 Down through the ages, the original meaning of that verse became lost. Then people thought they found it again. From science they learned that at one time in the early history of our planet, it was a chaotic mass of swirling gasses. But now we know that is not what that verse is about at all.