How good is your knowledge of the esteemed NFL wide receivers? Can you name the wide receiver who holds the record for the most touchdowns in one season? How about who has the most receptions in one game? Or who holds the record for being the fastest to record 600 career receptions? Football is a major part of American culture. It's a family and friends bonding experience. Everyone gathered together in the living room, sharing a big bowl of chips and dip. There are the screams of horror (or joy) with every interception, touchdown, and tackle. And the wide receivers are one of the most exciting players of any football team. Because of that, plenty of people love to show off how much they know about their favorite. In this book, you'll be able to test your friend's and family's knowledge of numerous NFL wide receivers. So next time your friend brags about how big of a sports fan he is, or how much he knows about NFL history, you'll be able to see if he can back it up, in a fun and brilliant battle of who knows the most about football trivia