Mental Illness and the Church: Integrating Psychology & Theology When I began studying the disciplines of Psychology and Theology as a bi-vocational pastor, I didnt consider them to be at odds with each other; I viewed them rather as complimentary, one supporting the other. Little did I realize, however, that this perspective was not shared by everyone. I soon discovered that many in the mental health profession felt that any discussion of religion should be avoided at all cost, and many Christians believed that psychology was a tool of the devil. I have spent the better part of my professional career trying to dispel this myth, both in counseling sessions and from the pulpit. I am fortunate to have had opportunities to spread the message of integrating psychology and theology in seminars and workshops across the United States. This book is a continuation of those efforts; a chance to help others understand that the healing of ones mind and emotions can come from more than one source; it can come from a combination of both psychology and theology.