Autonomous optical navigation and astro-orientation of spacecrafts is one possible way of improving the reliability of the spacecraft. Selfdetermination of the spacecraft is inextricably linked to the need to determine its exact orientation, which can be carried out using on-board optical devices based on multi-pixel converters. This work consists of an introduction, 6 chapters, a conclusion and a list of literature. The first chapter is devoted to the review and analysis of Optical Electronic Instruments (OEIs) at the CCD. The second and third chapters discuss the features of signal conversion and processing in OEI. with CCD, and the development of quasi-optimal methods for estimating the coordinates of images. The fourth chapter considers methods of estimating coordinates of moving images of point emitters. The fifth chapter is devoted to the method of modeling angular OEIs. The sixth chapter shows the results of the simulation. In conclusion, the main results of the work are formulated. Attached are the modeling algorithms. This work is intended for engineers, researchers and students.