Only the Truth【只有真相】 吉斯是電視台記者,經常在自己主持的節目中爆料,並一再告訴觀眾他只報導真相。問題是他不僅斷章取義,甚至刻意誤導。這回終於踢到大鐵板了。 The Crane Reading Series is an exciting collection of books at four difficulty levels, from Elementary to Advanced. The books in this series have the following special features: *Entertaining stories *Controlled vocabulary to allow students to practice reading texts at a comfortable level *Vocabulary and reading comprehension exercises to help students develop reading fluency and strategic reading skills *Summary completion exercises to help students develop writing skills *An answer key in each book *An audio recording of the reading passages in each book 分為四個級數,共有十三冊。內容生動有趣,頗富人情味。具備六千個英語單字的學生,均可輕鬆讀完。 ◎ 饒富娛樂效果。 ◎ 每冊均適度控制單字的難度,便於學生的閱讀。 ◎ 透過字彙與閱讀理解練習,增強學生閱讀水準和技巧。 ◎ 藉由填字練習,加強學生寫作能力。 ◎ 附故事朗讀CD、題解和單字。