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台灣社會研究季刊第九十三期的圖書 |
$ 225 | 台灣社會研究季刊:第九十三期
作者:台灣社會研究雜誌社 出版社:台社 出版日期:2013-12-30 規格:21*15cm / 344頁 三民網路書店 - 社會人文 - 來源網頁   看圖書介紹 |
發行人/周渝,社長/王增勇,總編輯/甯應斌,編輯群/李柏萱 廖瑞華 丸川哲史 王瑾 王增勇 白永瑞 汪暉 邢幼田 柯思仁 徐進鈺 孫歌 許寶強 夏曉鵑 夏鑄九 馮建三 甯應斌 趙剛 瞿宛文 Chris Berry, Gail Hershatter
沒有唐山媽?拓墾時期臺灣原漢通婚之研究/黃樹仁(93 民102.12 頁1-47)
The scope of intermarriage between Han and indigene during the settlement era is a significant but understudied issue in Taiwanese social history.This paper argues that intermarriage did occur, but involved only a tiny minority of Han men.First, historical sources reported only Han men’s outnumbering women and difficulty in spouse-finding, and certain cases of intermarriage, but not massive intermarriage. Historical accounts indicated that most Han men went back to mainland for marriage.Second, the reports of Han men outnumbering women appeared only no later than early Qing era. Spouses were intermittently permitted into Taiwan since later Yon-Zhung period and the shortage of Han women had been alleviated since then.Third, the rapid and massive immigration of Han to Taiwan during Qing means that Han vastly outnumbered indigene in a few decades, and there were simply not enough indigenous women to meet the demand of Han men for wives. Most Han men had had to find spouse back in mainland after all.Fourth, with their tribal consciousness and solidarity, indigenes were unlikely to allow their women to marry Hans in massive scope that would lead to the extinction of their tribes. Ethnic discrimination by Hans also discouraged intermarriage. And Qing laws in fact prohibited intermarriage.Fifth, the very survival of most plain indigenous tribes up to Japanese colonial era indicated that their women hadn’t married Hans in massive scope and deprived their own men of marriage in the past.Sixth, recent genetic studies indeed find that the average proportion of indigenous genes in Taiwanese is quite moderate, indicating only limited scope of intermarriage in the past.We conclude that indigenous grandmothers do not constitute the majority of female ancestors of current Taiwanese.
Keywords: Indigenes, Han, Intermarriage, population, ethnicity
跳過中繼直達永久?探討莫拉克災後永久屋政策的形成/謝志誠、陳竹上、林萬億(93 民102.12 頁49-86)
This article examines the reconstruction in relocated site after the strike of Typhoon Morakot. The important events and the transition process of policy in the phases of relocation (including the formulating policy, the follow-up assessment and consultation phase, etc.) are discussed through the archive analysis and the field interview. For this purpose, this study focuses on: (1) identifying the position of relocation within the whole reconstruction, (2) the forming process of relocation, (3) the assertion and the canvass during the formation of NGO's policy, and (4) how permanent housing substitutes transitional resettlement after agency-driven reconstruction in relocated sites becomes the major gateway of reconstruction. Thirdly, by cutting to the chase from “Village Relocation Clause” under “The Special Law of Reconstruction After Morakot Typhoon Disaster” Art. 20, discusses scopes of assessment, procedures of assessment, the report of assessment, etc. And also explores the issues of safety assessment phase in practice and the inadequate institutional regulation in the original settlement. Additionally, the paper also explains the rebound and the cause which were brought about in the consultation process. To respond to original residents’ opinion and avoid the annoyance resulting from reaching a consultative agreement, the government adopts the strategy of “breaking the whole into parts.” The remaining aftereffects are discussed. Finally, address the completion of forming the reconstruction in relocated site, the assessment, and the suggestion of consultative phase.
typhoon Morakot, disaster, permanent housing, non-governmental organizations
邊緣公民的公民主體建構臺灣妓權運動中性工作者的公民操演/陳素秋(93 民102.12 頁87-129)
為了探究弱勢公民如何克服既有權力結構與壓迫,並得以自我增能賦權,本研究嘗試分析臺灣妓權運動中,作為邊緣公民之性工作者的參與歷程,以及探索他們如何透過其行動建立公民主體性。藉由與參與者以及與社運組織者的深度訪談,以及運動歷程的參與觀察,本研究的發現如下:性工作者的公民行動明顯受到污名、階級與性別等社會結構力量所影響。污名框構著性工作者的公民認同與行動,在污名結構下,性工作者體現出污名的凝視,但也反擊著污名,因此性工作者的公民身分不是一種理所當然的資格承受,而是持續不斷、充滿縫隙的做公民歷程。而其反擊污名的做公民歷程中,突顯出公民哲學研究應納入慣習身體空間的討論。在如何建構運動正當性上,儘管性交易常被視為一種性別歧視的表徵,但參與者傾向於以階級論述而非性別論述表述自己的訴求。然而,他們在運動中的主體位置仍是性別化的。而參與者對從娼經驗的思,也對基進女性主義所批判的性商品化提出重要補充,提醒我們在以性商品化取徑看待性交易時,應考量進行協商性商品內容的性能動者。 在參與過程中,運動組織者扮演媒介角色,協助性工作者重組他們對於性產業的默會知識,而得以進行公共溝通,此協助為邊緣公民進行公共參與的重要助力。然而,儘管性工作者感受到透過與組織者合作,提升了論述能力,但也肯定自己的經驗才是運動核心。而性工作者的倡議行動也啟發我們重新思考,故事性敘說在審議式民主之公共溝通所扮演的角色。歸納而言,性工作者透過參與運動所建立的公民主體性,主要表現在提升了自身的公共性、重思公民與國家的應有關係,以及建立公民效能三方面。
To explore how marginal citizens overcome established power structures and oppression while empowering themselves via this process, the current research aims to investigate the Taiwanese prostitution rights movement and how participant sex workers, as marginal citizens, engage and foster civic subjectivities through civic actions.Based on in-depth interviews and participatory observation, this paper reaches the following conclusions:First, the stigma surrounding prostitution frames sex workers’ identity and civic action. Sex workers are subject to the gaze of stigma through pervasive discrimination towards prostitution, yet at the same time also clearly attempt to combat it. For sex workers, therefore, citizenship is not so much a fixed status as it is a continuing, porous process of “doing” citizenship. The process of their doing citizenship highlights the significance of the construction of habitual body-spaces in civic action, which has been ignored by traditional philosophy of citizenship. Second, in terms of creating the legitimacy of the prostitute movement, sex workers tend to adopt class discourses to legitimate their action instead of gender discourses, although prostitution has traditionally been identified with men’s domination of women. Yet sex workers’ positions are still gendered in the movement. Their experience in prostitution complements radical feminist criticisms of the commodification of sex-the existence of sex agents being able to negotiate the content of the commodity.Considering how the sex workers as prostitution rights organization members cooperate with other members, this paper finds that activists play the role of conversational intermediaries between sex workers and their audience, helping sex workers rearticulate their tacit knowledge about the sex industry in order to effectively communicate with the public. At the same time, although perceiving cooperation with activists as helpful to civic action, sex workers still recognize themselves as the core of the prostitute movement and their advocacy action inspires us to rethink how story-telling narratives work in deliberative democracy. In summary, through taking political action, the sex worker participants demonstrate their civic subjectivity in three aspects: (1) cultivating the sense of community and the sense of publicness, (2) actively redefining the relationship between citizen and state, and (3) developing the sense of civic efficacy.
Keywords: civic subjectivity, prostitute movement, doing citizenship, body-space, story-telling narrative, commodification of sex
香港基督教右派運動的論述建構與發展軌跡以明光社及香港性文化學會為案例/游靜(93 民102.12 頁131-181)
Throughout the past decade, the mainstream forces of Hong Kong Christianity have been articulating its morally conservative politics through importing the discourses from the US Religious Right, especially its aggressive opposition against democratized sexualities. This paper studies the cases of two frontline organizations of this movement, The Society for Truth and Light and Hong Kong Sex Culture Society to investigate the socio-political implications and displaced affects of this unprecedented formation, as a strategy for rethinking Hong Kong culture today.
Keywords: Hong Kong, Christian Right, discourses, homosexuality, displacement
後社會主義國家體操禮儀小姐與超級女性化/胡嘉明(93 民102.12 頁183-207)
本文透過分析禮儀小姐,指出當代中國的性別現象並不是一種簡單的中國婦女「再」女性化(re-feminization)。禮儀小姐作為被凝視的性別對象,是一個由國家專門透過極為嚴謹的身體操訓打造出來的代表,她既是展示國家形象的主體,又是被凝視的客體。本文的論據為禮儀小姐那接近軍訓的、非一般的身體操練達到的並不是一般的女性氣質,而是一種超級女性化(hyper feminization)。我認為禮儀小姐的超級女性化表演,是一種體操表演,是共產國家的體操傳統以新形式的再現,所體現的是一種集合市場話語、共產主義民族美學、軍事化國力展示和黨父權新的欲望投射。禮儀小姐並沒有象徵「中國婦女」的「西化,自由化」,也不是簡單的女性身體的物化、性化、商品化。作為後毛時代的國家象徵,禮儀小姐非常複雜地反映著市場經濟放大兩性差異,商品化、性化女性氣質的社會文化,也明確顯示著國家軍事的指導規訓作用。
This essay looks at ceremonial hostess or Miss Etiquette (liyi xiaojie), a recent phenomenon of having young and attractive women serve at major national events and ceremonies, such as holding flags, placards or standing by for medal presentation at the Beijing Olympics, the Shanghai Expo or the Guangzhou Asian Games in China. This essay argues that the ceremonial hostess represents not a simple“re-feminization” of Chinese mainland gender culture, but a state engineered gender performance in the new era. My arguments are (1) the ceremonial hostesses, even though they display desirable feminine qualities, are actually performing a set of exercise requiring extraordinary physical strength, flexibility, coordination and balance (2) the ceremonial hostess’ performance is a new kind of socialist gymnastic, following the communist revolutionary state tradition of gymnastics’ aesthetics; (3) suchpost-socialist gymnastics figures the contradictory forces of market reform, socialist state aesthetics, military discipline, and the party-state patriarchal gaze in post-socialist China.
Keywords: gender, body discipline, gymnastics, post-socialism, contemporary Chinese society
中國歷史的「向量」《溝口雄三集》代譯序/孫歌(93 民102.12 頁209-244)
Throughout his life Mizoguchi Yūzō devoted himself completely to explaining the internal structure of Chinese intellectual history. At the same time, he turned this structural explanation intellectual history into a hypothesis using a social historical framework.Using experience as the embodiment of concrete principles and through imaginatively reading primary sources of intellectual history, Mizoguchi constructed a vivid and colorful world of Chinese intellectual history. As a preface for this book of translations, this essay attempt to approach Mizoguchi's sublime world of intellectual history through interrogating the basic structure of his Chinese intellectual history.
Keywords: Mizoguchi Yūzō, Heavenly principle, Heaven and Man are One, Village space, History in the Long Durée
陳映真與台灣的階級認同和民族認同/邱士杰(93 民102.12 頁245-259)
當革命退潮後的老靈魂遇上虛無的先知者讀趙剛《橙紅的早星》/黃琪椿(93 民102.12 頁261-264)
初讀陳映真/陳柏偉(93 民102.12 頁265-272)
象徵或現實對趙剛新書的幾點看法/翁柏川(93 民102.12 頁273-279)
編按/何東洪(93 民102.12 頁281-283)
臺灣高等教育的假羅盤與真迷行/陳竹上(93 民102.12 頁285-289)
反高學費運動的階級鬥爭課徵企業紅利稅,專款專用於教育/簡淑慧(93 民102.12 頁291-295)
反高學費的背後一份左翼思路筆記/林柏儀(93 民102.12 頁303-320)
階級語言、分析視角與教育內容的抗爭高學費問題的觀察與省思/董泓志(93 民102.12 頁321-336)
現今學費運動的困境與方向身為參與者的反省/謝慧霆、謝易澄(93 民102.12 頁337-343)