《島嶼或大陸 ISLANDS OR CONTINENTS》是呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2013而出版的珍貴詩集,由北島、陳嘉恩、方梓勳、柯夏智和馬德松所編,收錄了來自世界各地,如敘利亞、瑞典、菲律賓、威爾斯、南韓、加拿大、緬甸、伊拉克、澳洲、波蘭、西班牙、美國、智利、中國、台灣、香港、澳門等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。
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作者:北島、陳嘉恩、方梓勳、柯夏智、馬德松 編 出版社:香港中文大學 出版日期:2013-11-01 語言:繁體/中文 共 4 筆 → 查價格、看圖書介紹 |
《島嶼或大陸 ISLANDS OR CONTINENTS》是呼應香港國際詩歌之夜2013而出版的珍貴詩集,由北島、陳嘉恩、方梓勳、柯夏智和馬德松所編,收錄了來自世界各地,如敘利亞、瑞典、菲律賓、威爾斯、南韓、加拿大、緬甸、伊拉克、澳洲、波蘭、西班牙、美國、智利、中國、台灣、香港、澳門等優秀當代詩人的作品,以雙語或三語呈現。
阿多尼斯 ADONIS-14
袓國 A Homeland
詩之初 The Beginning of Poetry
我怎麼稱呼我們之間過去的一切? How Can I Call What is between Us a Pass?
彈奏 Music
詩篇 To the Poem
在意義叢林旅行的響導 Travel Guide to the Forest of Meaning
沃瑟.拜麗耶 AASE BERG-30
伊沃的面孔 The Face of Ivo
克列瑪德克海溝 The Kermadec Grave
生下橡膠 birth Rubber
銜尾蛇 Ouroboros
透明的龍風箏 See-through Dragon
沉入 Sink in
謎團的家園 Enigmat Heimat
過載 Overcarried
活兒 Pottering
飛天棺材 The Flying Coffin
戀戀風 SARS The Loving Wind and SARS
感情幹線 Tracks of Emotion
這裡 Here
優柔寡斷者或拖延症患者的房中半小時 Half an Hour in the House of Indecision or Procrastination
五行詩 five Lines
慾望二三事 Two or Three Things about Desire
來自八方的明信片 Postcards from Here and There
曼娜.埃爾芬 MENNA ELFYN-74
鹽 Salt
威爾斯冰山 Welsh Ice
埃及的一扇門 A Door in Epynt
騾子 Mules
奧爾維多.加西亞.巴爾德斯 OLVIDO GARCIA VALDES-88
韓東 HAN DONG-96
一聲巨響 Aloud Noise
橫渡伶仃佯 Crossing the Lingdingyang, the Lonely Sea
侍母病 At My Mother’s Bed-Side
老人 Old Woman
一些人不愛說話 some People Don’t Like to Talk
藍藍 LAN LAN -108
真實 Verite
詩人無用 Poets Are Useless
火車,火車 Train, Train
風 Wind
釘子 Nails
出埃及 exodus
那年秋天 that fall
歲月的褶皺,記憶的斷層 the folding of time, the dislocation of memory
新奇啊,新奇,每個陽光燦爛的夜晚 amazing, how amazing it is, every night of the shining sun
南海錦山 South Sea, Silk Mountain
添姆.利爾本 TIM LILBURN-138
黑色茅屋 Black Hut
成例 Exempla 31
牛頓,遠控力量,帝國主義 Newton, Force at a Distance, Imperialism
颯雅.林恩 ZEYAR LYNN-148
我的心在盤子裡跳動 My Heart Beating on a Plate
我自己的聲音 My Own Voice
歸來者 The Returnee
鯨魚 Whale
敦雅.米卡埃爾 DUNYA MIKHAIL-158
戰爭勞苦功高 The War Works Hard
囚犯 the Prisoner
缺席理論 The Theory of Absence
世界的形狀 The Shape of the World
彼得.明特 PETER MINTER-172
永不重返一片草地許可 never Return to a Meadow Permit
在嚴肅的虛無之光中 In the Serious Light of Nothing
清除草上的雪片 Cleaning Flakes from Grass
瓦倫廷納 Valentinea
湯瑪斯.羅瑞茨基 TOMASZ ROZYCKI-182
咖啡與煙草 Coffee and Cigarettes
克里奧爾人、麥斯蒂索人 Creoles, Mestizos
熱帶氣旋 Tropical Hurricane
被遺忘的地圖 Scorched Maps
金礦 Gold Mine
城堡 (我來這裡射擊總統) The Castle (I Come to Shoot the President)
洞 Opening
袁紹珊 UN SIO SAN-198
裸體野餐 Naked Picnic
咖啡 Coffee
地下生活 Life Underground
給二十一世紀的無情詩 Loveless Poem for the Twenty-First Century
【水族館】三首 Three Poems from An Aquarium(2008)
【抒情組曲】一首 One Poems from Lyric Suite
【耶內考特】兩首 Two Poems from Yennecott
葉覓覓 YE MIMI-218
蛾在腋下產卵,然後死去 A Moth Laid Its Eggs in My Armpit, and Then It Died
越車越遠 The More Car the More Far
盲目約會把他荒廢 A Blind Date Makes Him Dilapidate
勞爾.朱利塔 RAUL ZURITA-228
大海 The Sea
Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls begins with an epigraph by John Donne (1572—1631):
No man is an hand, intire of it selfe; every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine.
These lines emerge from over three hundred years of darkness to become a metaphor for human camaraderie and dignity. Today, they refer to the sickness of globalization—and if globalization is what Donne calls a Continent, then poetry must be an hand. Underneath the territory of globalization are the crisscrossings, coexistences, and oppositions of languages, peoples, religions, and civilizations. In a certain sense, it’s poetry, symbolized as the island, independent and proud, which guarantees the spiritual garden of humanity.
Islands or Continents—this is our theme for International Poetry Nights Hong Kong 2013.
Hong Kong, an island with its own geography, politics, laws, and culture, provides an international platform for poetry, as well as a platform for international poetry. Running from November 21—27, 2013, and building on the successes of International Poetry Nights Hong Kong 2009 and 2011, IPNHK 2013 is sponsored in part by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, and Hong Kong Baptist University. On top of our readings and panel discussions featuring a diverse range of poets, as in previous years, and our multilingual poetry publications for each participating poet, we are also proud to announce the Poetry on the Tram project, in collaboration with British Council and the European Union, through which we hope to bringpoetry lines onto Hong Kong’s transit lines.
Additionally, and In cooperation with Shantou University and numerous independent organizations, participating poets will divide into groups for readings across the border, in Guangzhou, Shantou, and Shenzhen, a ripple effect throughout the Pearl River Delta.
On behalf of the editors, the organizing committee, and friends, I extend our warmest thanks—may poetry, like a constellation of islands, chart forth a renewed and renewing territory.
Bei Dao
September 25, 2013, Hong Kong