圖書簡介搖搖蘋果樹 Arbos Apfel
★2000 德國年度兒童遊戲獎冠軍
一棵小樹需要大家悉心照顧,才能枝繁葉茂!但有時天不從人願,狂風或暴雨將枝葉果實掃落一地,必須收拾乾淨,等待恢復平靜,讓它們重返枝頭。率先將手上所有的枝葉果實插在樹上的玩家獲勝!本遊戲為榮獲2000年德國年度兒童遊戲獎冠軍的「搖搖樹」之進化版本。搭配35張紙牌來進行進階版遊戲,讓參與的老老少少體驗更驚險刺激的種樹達人賽!木製配件來自德國,每個細節都由手工打磨完成!"Arbos Apfel" (Apple Tree) is the improved version of Arbos, which won Germany's Children Game of the Year Award in 2000. Fascinatingly, the tree seems to really grow when players attach branches, green leaves and red apples. But be careful: Any branches, leaves or apples that fall down during your turn, must be taken by you to your stock. The first player without any stock wins! The level of difficulty can be adjusted by moving the tree trunk. A deck of 35 cards brings additional difficulty and excitement. It is great fun for both young and old!Except of cards, rules and box, the game contains only of hand finished wooden parts from Germany.
適用卡套:56 × 87 mm ×35張