012 序言︱臺北市立美術館館長
Foreword ︱ Director of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum
010 閱讀許雨仁︱張頌仁
Reading Hsu Yu-Jen ︱ Chang Tsong-Zung
022 逸離:許雨仁繪畫裡的現代性︱吳超然
Breaking Away: Modernity in the Paintings of Hsu Yu-Jen ︱ Wu Chao-Jen
041 早期作品╱ Early Works
╱ From Jiali to Taipei, from Taipei to New York
╱ Who Really Understands Nature?
128 立在石堆裡的自畫像╱
Self-portraits in Piles of Stones
Limitless Landscapes
188 點,生出了斷點斷線╱
Points – the Birthplace of Breakpoints and Dotted Lines
272 墨墨純純 ‧ 色色生生╱
Explorations in Ink and Color
296 慢然鬆生╱
Slowness and Serenity
309 作品索引╱ Appendix
329 自畫像╱ Self-portrait
331 創作自述╱ Artist Statement
335 素描手記節選╱ Selection from Hsu Yu-Jen's Sketch Note
342 素描手記索引╱ Index of Sketch Note
344 大事紀╱ A Timeline
348 參考書目╱ Bibliography
351 感謝誌╱ Acknowledgements
012 序言︱臺北市立美術館館長
Foreword ︱ Director of the Taipei Fine Arts Museum
010 閱讀許雨仁︱張頌仁
Reading Hsu Yu-Jen ︱ Chang Tsong-Zung
022 逸離:許雨仁繪畫裡的現代性︱吳超然
Breaking Away: Modernity in the Paintings of Hsu Yu-Jen ︱ Wu Chao-Jen
041 早期作品╱ Early Works
╱ From Jiali to Taipei, from Taipei to New York
╱ Who Really Understands Nature?
128 立在石堆裡的自畫像╱
Self-portraits in Piles of Stones