Jade Phoenix, a William Faulkner Competition Semi-Finalist, is a Taiwanese historical novel by former US diplomat Syd Goldsmith which takes place in Taipei and Washington, DC, during the 1970s. It tells the stories of two disparate men, American journalist Nick Malter, and Taiwanese millionaire Ko-sa Ong, who form a deep friendship across vast cultural and political gulfs, but love the same woman, Jade Phoenix. This book is a marvelous collage of history, volatile politics, conflicting cultures, mystery and romance. Anyone who likes stories of ordinary people living through extraordinary circumstances should not miss it. 1970年代的台灣。台籍富豪Ko-sa Ong和美國記者Nick Malter結為摯友,卻因緣際會地愛上了將軍之女──玉鳳。三人之間錯綜複雜的愛欲糾葛,帶我們重返三十年前台美情勢丕變、國際政治動盪的時代。 作者以外交官親身經歷為經緯的長篇歷史小說,亦虛亦實地重現了跨越中、美、台三地時空的歷史情境。聚焦於大時代小人物的凝視與思維,顛沛流離與文化衝突,我們透過高思文的「他者之眼」看見台灣政權遞嬗之下的興衰榮辱,島嶼邊緣的眾生滄桑。本書入圍全美福克納寫作競賽決選名單。