研究專文 Research Essays
064母性、土地與生命:專訪藝術家林介文|徐柏涵 Hsu Po-Han
Motherhood, Land, and Life: An Interview with Artist Labay Eyong
078在脆弱與堅韌之間,東海岸的身體認識論―葉海地與龔卓軍對談|葉海地Heidi Yip 、龔卓軍Jow-Jiun Gong
Between Fragility and Resilience: Embodied Epistemology of the East Coast — A Conversation with Heidi Yip and Jow-Jiun Gong
088拉飛.邵馬(Lafin Sawmah):大地與海洋交織的臉孔|陳豪毅 Akac Orat
Lafin Sawmah: The Interwoven Faces of Land and Sea
098象徵,媒介,內在平面──植物標本中的藝術家許淑真|黃瀚嶢 Huang Han-Yau
Symbol, Medium, Inner Plane — The Artist Hsu Su-Chen in Plant Specimens
108黑暗中的微光:專訪藝術家邱雅茹Aping Ismahasan |謝宇婷 Tammy Yu-Ting Hsieh
Glimmers in the Dark: An Interview with Artist Aping Ismahasan
118越界:羅晟文以創作引領觀眾體驗動物視界|鄭友寧 Cheng Yu-Ning
Crossing the Border: Sheng-Wen Lo Leads Audience into Animal’s Perspectives Through Art
128內動的島 Intra-active Islands |謝一誼 I-Yi Hsieh
138 交錯邊界的複數敘事:談許家維泰北系列作品中的邊境思考|葉佳蓉 Zoe Chia-Jung Yeh
The Multiple Narratives of Intersecting Borders: Border Thinking in Hsu Chia-Wei’s Northern Thailand Series
148森林即島嶼 The Forest as an Island|吳俊逸 Goh Chun-Aik
活動專文 Program Notes
162大林蒲的勇者──何郁琦影音作品的政治美學與映演實踐 The Brave of Dalinpu: Political Aesthetics and Screening Practice in Ho Yu-Chi's Audiovisual Works|陳平浩 Chen Ping-Hao
172林佩瑜的護海之路:從觀察海洋生態到推動小琉球「海灘貨幣」Lin Pei-Yu's Path to Ocean Protection: From Observing Marine Ecology to Promoting "Beach Money" in Xiaoliuqiu|劉涔妤 Liu Tsen-Yu
180 船民、道士、賽博龐克式的屠宰場:阮俊作品的末日寓言Boat People, Taoists, and a Cyberpunk Slaughterhouse: Apocalyptic Allegories in Tuan Andrew Nguyen's Works|高森信男 Nobuo Takamori