Mrs Angeli Wong
Former English Literature Panel of Maryknoll Convent School
As a veteran in the field of education, I see this series as a happy marriage between the teaching of the English language and English Literature aiming not merely to afford reading for pleasure but provide reinforcement of language learning through the four skills methodology (reading, writing, speaking and listening) in the teaching of English. Nothing so fosters the learning of a foreign language as helping readers to acquire a love of reading, a life-time commitment to self enrichment.
家庭基建發展總監 羅乃萱
兒童及青少年教育輔導顧問 Todd Sir
《BLACK CAT優質英語階梯閱讀》系列是一套具備聽、講、讀、寫四項基本語文技能發展的有聲CD讀物。內容改編自世界名著,故事有趣發人心省,插圖色彩吸引兼富藝術感,每個故事的結尾部份均附有互動問題對答,能啟發小孩學習英語的興趣,再加上由標準英美專業演員朗讀作品,令BLACK CAT成為學生學習英語的首選。