圖書名稱:Tips & Techniques On Improving Your Credit Score
Your credit score helps lenders evaluate your ability to pay up a loan. Before you can take on a home mortgage, a car installment plan, or any type of loan, the lender or creditor will need to assess how much of a risk you are, that means, how much of a possibility the money they lend you will be returned to them within the terms and period agreed upon.
A person’s credit score will always play a critical role in any major acquisition procedure he/she plans to make in life. It will decide the approval of any type of loan and determine the over-all loan structure, such as interest rates and loan duration. Creditors look at these criteria to evaluate your credit score: · Your payment history · Amounts of outstanding debts/loans · Your credit history duration · Types of credit you have availed of · Your new credit you’re applying for
A person’s risk-assessment is highly dependent on this number. The higher the credit score, the less chance of defaulting on a loan, the more likely that the loan can be approved of.
It is important to take into account that a person’s credit score does not increase instantly. It calls for long-term responsibility from you to improve it and take care of it. Utilize the techniques this book provides and start improving your credit scores right away!