Follow the dark adventures in this introduction to the other-world of Uphoria, wondrous realm in which all can be had for the price of one happiest thought. Pixies, pirates, mermaids, minotaurs and more, all as close as an outstretched hand. But is the cost worth the wish?
This dark fantasy retelling of the Peter Pan mythos contains the following tales:
"Lost", by Ren Cummins
"Avast", by Ren Cummins
"The Lily or the Tiger", by Kiri Callaghan
"Hollow", by Ren Cummins
"Labyrinth", by Ren Cummins
"The Mermaid's Tale", by Kiri Callaghan
"What Dreams...", by Ren Cummins
"All that Glitters", by Kiri Callaghan
"Shadow", by Ren Cummins
"A Hawk from a Handsaw", by Kiri Callaghan