Sherlock Holmes investigates the mysterious cases of mutilated cattle, cattle in trees, and a cattle watchman's death. Due to Holmes's investigation the mutilations end as he predicted. The authorities are well satisfied, but Holmes is not, and directs that the case be written up, but not published until "a hundred years after my death, when much that is a mystery now, will be clear as crystal then."
The case was written up and consiged to a safe lockbox in the Bank of England's vault. During the coutrse of two world wars it became lost, but was recently recovered, and published. Now for the first time ever you can read the case of Sherlock Holmes and the Mutilated Cattle. Sherlock Holmes solves the case brilliantly, as always, but was never fully pleased with the final result. Genius such as his requires absolute perfection.
Written in the authentic style of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, if you like reading about Sherlock Holmes, you will enjoy reading about this unusual investigation, and how the mysteries of mutilated cattle, cattle in trees, and the watchman's death, were all solved.