You are again in the southside Chicago Heroin shooting gallery, it is summer and the terrible dead animal stink is stronger than ever, with every breath you feel a desperate need to puke your guts out, but there is nothing left to puke. Listen and you can still hear the screams, first in terror and then in agony, as so many animals were butchered alive.
At one time a colony of lepers lived here, and when parts of their bodies rotted off, they were incorporated into the thick stinking mattress crusts. When they died what was left also incorporated into the crusts, so that it is unwise to look closely at what you are lying on; once an infant's perfect little skull emerged;.it must have been very young, because there were no baby teeth.
So begins Phillip Duke's masterful continuation of best-selling HEROIN God's Own Medicine. Both books are not for then faint of heart; if reading about the depravities and horrors of Heroin addicts and pushers may offend you, please do not read these book..Thank you.