Afterglow: The wildly popular—paranormal romance series where Ian the vampire falls in love with the fetchingly vulnerable Chloe, spawning a phenomenon that seduces millions of women to become hopelessly addicted and launches a vampire craze in popular media that refuses to die.
Emil Robinson is the wildly charismatic actor who brings Ian to life on screen. But he finds that being the living icon of Prince Charming with fangs, has its downfalls, when Zoe, the actress who plays his onscreen love—Chloe, cheats on him with the director of her next movie. Utterly destroyed he reaches out to Megan Kelley...a struggling writer who hates romance novels, and thinks Afterglow is cheap literary garbage, until she meets Emil, who seduces the hopeless romantic dreamer hiding in her soul, drawing her irrevocably into the inescapable grasp of Afterglow...