Strippers and strip clubs are all over the news and in movies and television shows. There are websites devoted to the subject of strip clubs and they do a tremendous traffic. There are no published statistics that I am aware of with a count of how many people visit strip clubs every year, but we all know it's a lot. TV talk show hosts we know and love have tried to figure out why, and I have some answers. It's my story, and the stories of just a few of the girls, but it will shed a little light on the bigger picture. It should be of interest to men who go and the women who wonder why. I am a "nice guy", but in the past 5 years I have spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars over indulging in this vice, initially as self-prescribed therapy for my divorce. I can now honestly say that some of my best friends are strippers! Ridiculous and fun times, stupidity, and tragedy. . .it's been a grand adventure and it definitely changed my life - so I want to share it with you.