This science fiction novel weaves together two stories; a life ending comet strike on earth, and inter-galactic war within the Realm of the Galaxies. Research by Sandia National Laboratories Comet Impact Simulations brings incredible reality, and biosphere life begins a new human story. Dunge Katorsay, an Apostle of the Anti-Christ, leads his forces from the Draco Constellation to defeat the realm and become its chairman. Brian Hudson and Charlotte Tennyson are introduced as earth embryos. Both are born years later on another planet. Charlotte is captured by Draco forces; her memory copied into her physical clone, who returns to Brian to spy on the realm. Charlotte's bisexual tendencies were revealed, and she is kept by Dr. Sorsin, the lesbian bio-engineering genius. The ending above earth, as their forces collide, is a horrific battle between the devil's apostle and the promised second coming of another Son.