Dear Lady, I had to write and tell you how your story, Where Love Abides, has touched my heart and soul. I was mes-merized, and I could not stop reading. My only sorrow was when it ended. What a beautiful, heavenly mind you have! In reading your story, it is clear that God has left His mark upon your mind and soul. I would encourage you to share what God has lovingly given to you. Expound on this and turn it into a book. It is too beautiful to remain unpublished. God Bless You! (Deborah 2001)
This allegory was inspired by Hannah Hurdard s book Hinds Feet on High Places. I was so inspired by the courage of her heroine, that I was moved to tears. I also identified with how long it took Much-Afraid to progress toward some mystical place where she could find peace. Little did she know that place was within. I have always loved to write, so naturally I decided to write about my own journey. Once I got started, it was hard to stop, and I think it only took about three hours to reach a place where Sorrow, transformed into Beloved, could rest and be at peace. I hope you enjoy my story. Its message is simple ... we must persevere!