Ten thrilling stories arrive, deliver their payloads, and then depart. Flash fiction is designed to thrill in as few words as possible. Here, C. C. Blake delivers ten suspense-filled stories that don't overstay their welcome. Insatiable hungers, unspeakable violence on blood-drenched roller skates, an insurance policy from hell, and a space elevator ride into nightmare are only three of the journeys awaiting brave readers.
This collection contains the stories "Spooky Yogurt," "Decisions, Decisions," "What's in the Box," "What You Crave," "One Drop of Blood, One Year of Life," "Kill Die Coup," "Kill Bell," "The Deciding Factor," "Best Spent Inside," and "Finger to Allah." All these tales also appear in the Five Micro Shocks and Five More Micro Shocks collections, bundled together for one low price!