You don’t have to be a money expert or good at budgeting to save money every day. Inside this book of simple tips and ideas to save money all around your home, bestselling authors Bruce and Jeanne Lubin give you easy ways to save on everyday expenses and make the items you do buy last longer.
For instance, did you know that you can make your own household cleaners with vinegar? Or that your eggs will last longer if you store them upside down? You’ll learn all this plus special second uses for household objects: make dryer lint into a Play Doh substitute, save a wet cell phone with uncooked rice, fertilize your garden with a matchbook, and much more!
Table of Contents Chapter 1: Repurposing Everyday Items Chapter 2: Never Buy These Cleaning Products Again Chapter 3: Easy Fix, Big Money Saved: DIY Home Repair Chapter 4: Making Your Food Last Longer Chapter 5: Essential Pet Tips Chapter 6: Garden and Yard Money-Savers Chapter 7: All-Natural Repellents for Bugs and Other Pests Chapter 8: Mechanics’ Secrets Chapter 9: Saving on Gas and Energy Costs Chapter 10: Save-While-Spending Shopping Tips