Set in the Twenty-Fourth Century, this story follows the heinous events of the lightening war between Humanity and the Kreed Empire. It was a conflict which made heroes of men and highlighted the failures of the Commonwealth leaders. From the ruination of the border lands, a new weapon is born which can spearhead the fightback against the power of the loathsome Kreed. The Kreed Emperor will soon die, his legend is no greater than others and his ego drives him to right the wrongs of those who went before him. To carve his name into the history of his people, he must remove the infestation that blights the former worlds of the great Kreed Empire. His illness gives him the reason and the excuse to act, Emperor Shah will remove the Human plague from the hallowed earth of his peoples territories; it will be by his hand that the Humans will be slaughtered. The Emperor will die happy, knowing that the Human race will be defeated and broken. They will run back to their own lands humbled and will know the true strength of the Kreed Empire.
Infinity Minus Zero is a book which charts the new understanding between the Commonwealth with its former enemy Cartagha. Humanity is united against the growing instability of the corrupt and violent Kreed Empire, with the arrival of fresh intelligence stolen from the heart of the dark and evil Empire; the Human race faces a threat that could kill billions. Humanity thought themselves untouchable, now the pride of reckless planners threatens to destroy us all.