The story of Unitus a great kingdom in the land of Norwegia began a long time before men ever thought of crossing the vast body of waters that separated the continents. At this point the kingdom of Unitus has not yet evolved. The tribes are independent and engage one another in protracted tribal wars. The wars eventually ends and five of the victorious tribal warlords proclaimed themselves Patriarchs and Matriarch of the Western, Northern, Eastern, Southern, and Central tribes or Norwegia. Initially things had worked out well with the Patriachs. But the law of diminishing returns soon sets in, and there is apprehensive confusion everywhere. Wanye Van calls for peace and reconstitution of League Unitus. Bill Sally shows penitence for his unthinkable decision to break away from the League, and Zog Hardy regrets ever listening to the Fiends. Welcome to your History! Welcome to the events that preceded your arrival! This is a story that you are presently playing a part in! The future of your Country! The story of your Country in its formative years! This is The Trying Years: Patriarchs of League Unitus!