‘Resist The Devil’ is an introduction to how the demonic kingdom operates in today’s world. In these last days, the evil kingdom has gained a very strong hold over the lives of those who have been called and chosen of God. When we as children of God, deviate from God's design for our lives, the devil and his army of demons gain hold over our lives. We can resist the devil when we repent of our unrighteous, sinful ways and turn back from displeasing God, allowing the Lord to have His way in our lives and to teach us to follow His design for our lives.
In this book you will learn: 1. How the evil kingdom gains hold over our carnal minds and how we can renew our minds. 2. How carnal emotions like hatred, bitterness, hurts, fear, etc. invite demonic invasion into our lives and how our Lord Jesus can set us free from these emotions. 3. How sin opens door to demonic invasion and how we can deal with the biggest bondage to sin in our lives. 4. How evil spirits get entry into our lives when we believe a lie and how the Lord Jesus can set us free from bondage to lies. 5. How a bond of love between two people can invite evil spirits into our lives through ungodly soul ties and how one can be set free from demonic invasion. 6. What is sorcery and witchcraft? 7. How we can counter witchcraft attacks. 8. How a person's soul can be imprisoned in an underground prison by the demonic kingdom, the damages caused by demons through captivity and how we can partner with the Lord Jesus to rescue souls from captivity. 9. How an army of demons enter our lives through a traumatic incident and how we can be set free from its impact on our lives. 10. How we can partner with the Lord Jesus in a war against Satan’s army of demons. 11. The authority we have in Christ to go against evil spirits. 12. What it means to put on the whole armor of God.