This is a quiz book for people with a memory like a sieve who can't remember a fact for five minutes. It's the opposite of the straight general knowledge quiz where you have to remember the date of the Armada or the capital of Peru -one of the problems with those quizzes is they are not much good for family entertainment, especially those trivia ones that rely on an encyclopaedic knowledge of Nineties pop music or the Hollywood years. Not much chance for ten-year-olds to shine with questions of that sort.
Happily The Lateral Thinker's Quiz Book doesn't require you to know many facts at all. It's a fun book that relies on quick wits and, well, lateral thinking. That means using your imagination to sort out those little trick questions and riddles that are the stuff of this book. There are lots of brand new questions and some old favourites too, 600 altogether in sets of ten for each round. Try them out on the family. you might find that the kids often do better than their parents - maybe they have livelier minds! Try them out at work too - author David Williams has used some of these question rounds in training situations and away days, especially when the object of the day is to stimulate greater creativity and new ideas.
One of the great things about this ebook format is that you are always just one click away from the answers in each section. And the more you groan at the answers they happier we will be. This is not a book to be taken seriously, just to be enjoyed.