A long time ago, two ancient cities were destroyed. They were known by the names Sodom & Gomorrah.
Sulfurings: Tales from Sodom & Gomorrah is a collection of short stories and flash fiction depicting the fates of the citizens of Sodom & Gomorrah - the ones who survived and the ones who perished.
18 authors in 17 stories, one poem, and one creative essay, showcase their imaginations to tell you the stories of magicians, incorporeal non-angelic beings, intruders from space, time travelers, thieves, children, and more while honoring the original text that tells of the destruction of these two cities. Some of the stories stay true to the historical facts while others stretch the imagination, but all of them are well told and solidly apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic in nature. This is one set of Biblical tales you do not want to miss.