Discover how to ethically 'steal' thousands of followers from the twitter 'gurus' - without being banned, sued or thrown in jail!
When you get your hands on this manual you're going to discover how to ethically steal followers from even the biggest 'gurus' in your niche.
It doesn't matter if these 'gurus' in your niche have used spammy tactics or software to build up their list of followers…because with this information you can siphon out the best of them and take them as your own.
Here's a small sample of what you'll discover in the Twitter White Knight:
How to get a near-instant flood of traffic from Twitter…even if you're starting with none
The little-known 'T-E-D' formula behind the insane rush of people that flocked to watch Rebecca Black – and how you can use it to make your own tweets and content go viral
How to engineer your very own (massive) loyal following that hangs off your every Tweet (…they just might become your most valuable business asset)
The secret to an almost-instant audience for your promotional messages (this one's so much cooler than it sounds!)
and much, much more!