Peter McKinley, a thirteen year old of great means, who grew up in a House of Opinions, faces off against Evan Pierre Desai, a cunning madman with a charming pedigree, who desperately believes it's his destiny to bring a dangerous old machine back to life. Only it will not come to life, not without Peter's help. Fearing the worst, Peter leaves behind all he cares most, his two best friends, DC and Laysa Santos, and escapes the city for the summer, forming the most unlikeliest partnerships with the eccentric family friend, Warden Gilbert Graham, and Folk Fogelman, a sleazy private investigator with the common knack for bending the rules. And bend the rules they do, hiding Peter in the last place anyone would think to look - Brewster Park Prison.
Thought to be safe in an abandoned prison wing, Peter soon realizes he's not alone. For there are prison ghosts sleeping close by. He quickly learns a few hard lessons from the inmates and discovers why this haunted wing is secretly known as Hotel Wing C.
When a new school year begins, Peter leaves the prison and comes back to the world he once knew, only things are not exactly how he imagined them to be. Nothing is the same. Friendships are tested. Love scorns. The Warden places Peter under watch of a young prison therapist, Amelia Scott, who attempts to save him from himself go unnoticed till Laysa's life hangs in the balance by the likes of Desai and his ruthless ways. Peter is left with no choice but to help Desai unleash the monster machine. His only hope is for the monsters to have a mind of its own.