Hawk, a recently escaped Fire-Wolf slave, is one of the few who believes the stories of a once-free Island of Soluna. But as an outlaw, fearing discovery by demons and his fellow wolves, he barely manages to survive. An encounter with a Water-Wolf, a native of a vanished nation, rekindles his spirit and thrusts him into a quest to free his Island.
For more than a century, most wolves have been enslaved by the monstrous overlord, Letorus, and his demon horde. The wolves not trapped are on the run, fugitives in their own land. Even the few remaining rebel groups have given up fighting the demons’ rule and struggle only for survival.
Hawk must rise above what he thought possible for a lowly slave and learn to lead in a land overcome with hopelessness. With secrets from the beginning of the war and a mysterious spirit haunting his every step, Hawk will have to travel into the origins of darkness itself to free the Island from the tyrannical rule of Letorus.