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Vital Viral

Vital Viral Vital Viral

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圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:Vital Viral

"Not Getting Enough Traffic To Your Site? Have You Ever Wondered How You Can Blast Your Site Virally?"

How many times have you looked at the stats counter on your website and felt good knowing that your site is receiving about 100 hits a day?

Not too often?

How would you like to get to the point where 100 hits a day wouldn't matter to you. Wouldn't you love to get thousands of hits a day every single day? Can you even imagine how many sales you'd make with that kind of traffic?

If you are starting to calculate in your head not only how many sales you'd make‚ but how much money you'd have to spend to drive that kind of traffic‚ then you are already thinking the wrong way.

It's not only possible to drive thousands of potential customers to your website every day - nearly for free - but it's something that you can learn to do by yourself without any outside help.

The secret to driving the maximum traffic possible is in two simple words. Viral Marketing.

Viral marketing is the art of creating a frenzied buzz about your website so that everyone needs to come and check it out for themselves. If you want to learn how to exploit viral marketing techniques‚ then keep reading. This is one product that is vital to your success.

I make a lot of money selling affiliate products. I don't want to brag‚ but I want to explain to you what I do so you can learn how to do it for yourself.

I lived in affiliate marketing mediocrity for a while. Too long really. I would spend hours researching products and once I decided to sell them‚ I immersed myself in the sales process. I made sure to optimize every aspect of these products‚ making sure to squeeze every last cent from each customer. I was making a decent amount of money‚ but there is a finite amount of time where a decent amount of money is good.

See For Yourself How Powerful Viral Marketing Truly Is!

Eventually‚ I reached a point where I was working too many hours for too many months and not bringing in the real big bucks. I was burning myself out and I didn't have the riches I promised myself to show for it.

I knew that I would soon be faced with an important decision. I knew the time would soon come where if I wasn't making a great amount of money online‚ I'd have to give up. I initially jumped on the Internet marketing bandwagon because I wanted to make more money in an easier way. If that wasn't going to happen in a reasonable amount of time‚ I didn't feel like investing years of my life into it.

So I knew that a decision was coming soon. A decision that would decide the fate of my online business. I was avoiding making it for as long as I could‚ but as the months rolled along‚ I realized that the need to decide what to do was becoming more and more urgent.

I was soon faced with the choice‚ either I give up my online dream or make one last stab at making the big bucks. I didn't know if I even had the strength and desire for one last launch‚ but I decided to suck it up and throw everything I had at the big time. I figured if I was going to give up‚ I needed to do all I could to go out with a bang.

So that was it. I resolved to make one last push for the pot of gold at the end of the Internet rainbow.

I knew exactly what I needed to do to make more money. I knew that my online business had one limitation and that limitation was what was constantly preventing me from making the type of money I knew I was capable of making.

I was never very good at driving enough traffic to provide my business with the number of customers that would catapult my business. I knew how to properly monetize my sites‚ but I was never able to draw enough people onto my site to take advantage of my monetization.

So I set upon constructing a plan to drive an absolute horde of people to my site. The plan was based around a concept I had been hearing a lot about. It was a concept that was just starting to reach its potential and was still something that was considered experimental.

Of course‚ today anyone who doesn't have an effective viral marketing strategy in place isn't doing the bare minimum of work needed to run a successful online business. But back then‚ the concept wasn't as cemented as it is in 2008.

It was that day that I launched my first viral marketing campaign and it worked better than anything I had previously tried. The amount of traffic I was able to drive truly surprised me. After that launch was finally a rousing success‚ I knew I couldn't just give up like I was planning to. I also knew that my viral marketing plan wasn't optimized yet and once it was‚ I could expect even better results.

I spent the next few months optimizing my plan and although there were some bumps in the road‚ as a whole‚ the plan has been spectacular. I've made so much money based on this one plan‚ that I just needed to share it with everyone I could. Viral marketing is such a vital aspect of Internet marketing‚ that if you are not doing some sort of viral activities‚ you should just give up right now.

Learn What You Need To Send Your Traffic Counters Through The Roof

There are a lot of different ways to achieve a virally successful campaign. Vital Viral - 18 Explosive Tactics was created so you can figure out which viral strategy will work for the specific needs that your website has.

One of the reasons that a viral campaign is so advantageous is that it identifies your website as different‚ unique and noteworthy. It's this exact reason why a cookie-cutter approach to viral marketing just won't cut it. You need to learn the most effectively way to attract the right kind of traffic for your website.

With Vital Viral - 18 Explosive Tactics‚ you will finally learn how to complete complicated viral tactics like blogging‚ creating videos‚ setting social bookmarks‚ linkbaiting‚ rebranding and community building all for one low price. Vital Viral - 18 Explosive Tactics will explain 18 vital concepts so your online marketing can start to profit.

Vital Viral - 18 Explosive Tactics Will Help You...

Understand Why Viral Marketing Is Necessary To Your Business!
Start Creating Your Own Viral Campaigns Today!
Learn How A Viral Strategy Can Be Effective And Cheap!
Understand How Simple Blogging And Customer Service Can Be The Best Thing You've Ever Done!
Discover How To Create The Exact Viral Effect To Give Your Business A Real Kick In The Butt!
To Start Thinking Outside The Marketing Box!
Understand The Best Way To Reach The Most People Possible!

Do You Know How To Create A True Internet Phenomenon?

We've all seen them. Those videos that everyone watches and talks about. Did you realize that for every cute dog jumping through a hoop of fire‚ that there is an Internet marketer driving that traffic to his own sales page? Every funny video you have ever watched and forwarded on to friends was created by someone with the express desire to drive traffic.

Learn how you can cheaply and easily create simple‚ yet powerful videos that can amass for you tons of new‚ exciting and buying-interested traffic.

Video creation is only one of the 18 different tactics Vital Viral - 18 Explosive Tactics will teach you how to perform. After reading this important manual‚ you'll be able to start your campaign will the full confidence that you finally know what your doing.

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