Kiev, Ukraine, 1952, ages ago, yet true. Russian girls still carry the heavy cross of their sexual innocence. SSoviets mirror AmeriKKKans. Both arraign their kosher people as the US and USSR moles appropriately. The Siberian mini Zion, namely the Jewish Autonomous Region, is to get the Soviet survivors of staged train crashes, frost and hunger.
In the midst of that bedlam, a small-town Russian Cossack girl, twenty-two, Ukraine's rowing silver medalist and coach, opens her heart or whatever to a cocky and witty boy, fourteen, listed as a Jew. Their brief, fiery, forbidden romance on Kiev's Trukhanov Island shakes their world forever.
S.I.Fishgal wanted to write MEIN KAMPF, but someone did that already. For ignoramuses in German, not knowing their own language (neither you, nor this scribbler surely), MEIN KRAMPF means MY CRAMP.
PIDDLER ON THE HOOF and KOSHER HOOKS describe the boy’s earlier dramatic events. As a gentleman, Fishgal made his intriguing, truthful books independent. His horse sense, crisp and funny language, topsy-turvy idioms and plays of words are striking.
Fishgal's engineering books are "Applied Mathematics in Inventions", "Rock Crushers Inventions", "Military Cable Layer-Extractor Inventions", "Applied Cavitation Inventions", "Applied Hydro-Impact Inventions", "Automotive Inventions" and "Highways and Concrete Inventions".
Hopefully the author is neither the worst novelist of inventors, nor the worst inventor of novelists.