Events in the hamlet of Coomsberrow, on the Welsh border, have taken a turn for the mysterious. The local witch, Mother Gwynn, plans a long-meditated revenge, the local squire has gone missing and terrifying imp-like creatures haunt the countryside. When Godfrey Brydges goes in search of his missing father, he finds that the key to these strange events lies deep within the cave known as the Hell-mouth...
Gilbert Sheldon wrote The Coombsberrow Mystery (under the pen name James Colwall) after a visit to Wales aged just nineteen and it was first published pseudonymously in 1890. A printer's error meant that the only book edition of the novel was printed with the pages in the wrong order, and with several missing completely. Now, the text has been painstakingly reconstructed from the original book edition and the text of an Australian newspaper serialisation. Finally, for the first time ever, the complete text of this neglected Gothic classic is available for modern readers to enjoy in this new edition!