10 Chapters is a series of fast-paced alternate reality adventures beginning with Fender.
Advances in technology made it possible to implant computers as small as a living cell into our bodies. Electronic information was stored within us for easy transactions. Scientists had engineered our systems to work together more efficiently. They had connected our bodies and minds to our social selves, to our communities, to our nations, and to Planet Earth. But something went wrong.
Fender is one of the 2% of the world’s population whose spirit has been transferred to the body of another person who is living as Fender (call him Fender #2) in an alternate reality.
Scientists are calling this phenomenon “spirit transference”. How can we prevent spirit transference from happening? How can we return the 2% back to their original bodies? While scientists wring their hands, politicians are hiding this disastrous truth from the public. As the afflicted 2% are revealed, they are whisked away to a secret government facility.
Can Fender stay one step ahead of the agents who are after him? Is he a hero in the making?