Stop trying to do everything yourself. Once you're outsourced you won't go back! If you are new to Internet Marketing, you are probably doing everything yourself. By now you've probably come to the conclusion that there's not enough time in a day to do it all. More importantly you're probably realizing that you could make more money by freeing up time so you can work areas where your real talents lie, such as establishing joint ventures, driving traffic or placing ads. Outsourcing is the logical solution to freeing up your jammed schedule and long to-do list. Most new marketers start out multi-tasking to the point where nothing ever gets done properly, or worse, your work gets backed up and never finished. The blunt fact is that if you try to do everything yourself your business will at best stop growing, and at worse, go under. You need to outsource some of the tasks that other people could do for you, equally as well if not better. This guide will show you what you need to know about outsourcing the tasks that you need for the success of your business but don't have the time or expertise to do everything your business demands.