This best-selling novel tells the riveting story of Thomas, a seductive bookseller and underground artist, who falls in love with Roxanne; an ambitious lawyer looking for commitment. His dream of raising a family with her soon turns into a real descent to hell where the line between good and evil can be blurred. Told from each character’s perspective, the story does not reveal until the very end who is ultimately responsible for the tragedy hanging over them.
This romantic suspense will stay with you forever.
“Five Stars. A must-read. ” La Semaine magazine
“Deeply moving.” Rhythm FM
“Strong, powerful.” TVA
“Breathtaking suspense.” MSN
Since she left the practice of law, Sophie Bérubé has published three novels and hosted numerous TV and radio shows in Canada. Her debut novel, No Priors (originally published in French as Sans Antécédents), was a best-seller in Canada. She lives in Montreal with her husband and their three kids.