The event a signal from Allah, a blessing if you will. It was their chance to set up their own Caliphate within what used to be the United States of America. There was no government, law enforcement or even the powerful US Military to stop them. They would build a nation governed by Islam their interpretation of it and Sharia Law would be the bases. As the Army of Allah moved through the Midwest they murdered, raped and enslaved everyone that chose not to believe in the prophet. These were US citizens who made it through one of the worst events in human history only to go through another and be thrown back even further in time. Their children were taken from them, their teenage sons, fathers and husbands were conscripted into the Army and if they refused to fight their families were killed. During the time the Caliphate was running rapid through the Midwest the US Army at Camp Grayling led by Colonel Rodgers decided it was best to pull in the troops and not venture any further then the front gate. They certainly had the means to protect themselves and the civilian population in the area but Colonel Rodgers had no orders to do so. This is the continuing saga of the United States after an EMP event and how it’s trying to pull itself back together. It’s being led by the US Military out of various military installations in Northern California who are just beginning to spread their wings and get back on their feet. They are still loyal to the country sworn to defend the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.