Tristan went looking for trouble and ended up with more than she bargained for. A night on the town goes awry when a local Dallas girl runs afoul of a vacationing coven of vampires, who have come up with a novel way to ensure a blood link to join them all together. When going home is no longer an option, Tristan finds herself trapped in a world of non-stop sex and violence, and struggles to find her place and balance her own morality against the nature of the beast she has become.
About the Author
Nicole Vlachos was born in Baltimore and raised in rural Pennsylvania, though she's certain she was British in a former life. Her attraction to the dark side began when she was very young, introduced to Dracula and The Wolfman by her father, then discovering other dark delights on her own as she grew up. Now she takes her inspiration from music, movies and modern supernatural culture, never forgetting the classics that she cut her fangs on. Nicole currently resides in Florida.