I rued the day my Jewish mother in a style popular in 1950s Australia placed my illegitimate self in the hands of a previous Catholic boyfriend and his Catholic bride to become a step parent adoption. I rued the day I was so brainwashed by the RC education by ‘Mercy’ nuns such that I believed I should dedicate - sacrifice my entire life to saving all the Communists in Red China by joining a Catholic clergy order. However neither the Catholic nun educators nor my adoptive medically trained step parents noticed until I was fourteen years old that I was legally blind with less than ten per cent vision. Gradually upping my vision via a series of increasingly higher strength spectacles I began to see the real world. It didn’t take me long to realize I’d been cheated and mostly by the Catholic church so I canned my religious vocation and ceased writing the kind of answers in RE exams which had previously gained me five prizes for religion. It didn’t take me long to notice my English teacher, a Mercy nun hitching her skirts up to attract the attention of the young gardener. However my new vision did not save me from being like the two young girls later as published ex-MCs, to be able to be taken in by Time magazine and other equally gullible publications who advocated the saintliness of Mother Teresa