The story of three brothers, who are left to shift for themselves upon a lonely ranch home situated in the mountainous region of the State of Idaho, near one of the numerous branches of the Salmon river.
This edition of the book contains the five original illustrations, rejuvenated, and five Western cowboy cigarette-card illustrations that are unique to this edition of the book.
Edward Stratemeyer, in this book using the pen name Captain Ralph Bonehill, wrote more than 1,300 books himself, selling over 500 million copies. In addition to 10 Dave Porter books, Stratemeyer wrote seven series with mostly a military nature. He also created Nancy Drew, The Hardy Boys, The Rover Boys, The Dana Boys, Bomba the Jungle Boy, and Tom Swift. He wrote under seven pen names and employed a number of ghost writers for whom he wrote plot outlines. The "Stratemeyer Syndicate" was a large organization and controlled a number of publishers.