There are many mysteries in the world, things were do not understand, perhaps do not even believe in. The fact that there are almost countless inane television shows attempting to conn us into believing they have proof of everything from the spirit world to alien encounters is almost enough to cause total hysteria. That does not mean we should close our minds to the possibility of the unknown. Maybe science has banished the UFO to the sidelines by stating categorically that other worlds are too far away. But even if we chose not to suggest alternative means of travel beyond our understanding there are enough anomalies here to puzzle over. Just how sure can anyone be that ghosts do not exist? Or even if there is an afterlife? Perhaps occasionally an author or film plot causes us to dwell on anomalies we ourselves have experienced, stimulating our imagination. Then there are more distressing notions, an insane game that could be seen as God’s Dead Pool, unusual natural catastrophes, Acts of God, maybe even the existence of Cerberus. Maybe that is a dog too far. If your barber questions the strangely numbered thumb print on the top of your head who do you turn to for advice? Especially if evidence suggests that there is an almighty, if not Satanic force behind it.