You’ll find out the 10-steps that will help you manage your finances, save money, and even make your money work for you – letting you do the things you like to do, when you want to, all while keeping you happy and worry-free!
Here’s what’s packed inside the 10 key chapters:
(1) Decide To Be Financially Free And Act Now – When most people think they have a money problem, most often it’s a mind problem. They just don’t know where to start, and how to think about money – AND how to stay motivated on the goal. This chapter shows you exactly how you can do that.
(2) Spend Your Money But Know How To Do So Wisely – You don’t want to be one of those weird frugal people, but you want to save money for the future – here’s how you can create a budget that lets you have the fun you want while still saving money!
(3) Cut Your Losses – Discover how you can change some small things in your daily life to minimize your expenses, manage your debts, and optimize your credit card use!
(4) Protect Yourself With Insurance – Learn how to be prepared for those unexpected problems that always pop up, and make sure you’re fully protected if and when they happen! In other words – here’s how to make insurance work FOR you!
(5) Keep Your Mind, Heart, And Body Happy – Save money while having a balanced life – meet your financial goals without having to sacrifice relationships, free time, or your studies and work.
(6) Beat The Guilt When Rewarding Yourself – How you can keep yourself from becoming boring or not having any fun! Learn to reward yourself with incredible travels, food, leisure, and entertainment while still staying inside your budget and saving money – GUILT FREE!
(7) Make Money Here And There – Learn how you can start making more money from different places. It’s much easier to save more money when you have more to work with!
(8) Let Your Money Work For You – How you can let your saved money compound over and over again to bring you more money in the long run; and the huge difference between simple and compound interest! Find out literally how to let your money work for you!
(9) Get Smart About Taxes – Maximize your tax benefits and minimise tax deductions to start spending more money, paying less in taxes, and saving more for your long term goals!
(10) Think About Long Term Goals And Retirement – How to set your long term goals, prepare for retirement before it’s too late, and how you can maximize your retirement money; where to put it and how to diversify for best results!
You’ll also learn…
How to stay within your budget without depriving yourself of date nights, or other rewards!
Deceptively simple ways to save and make money starting today!
Discover how the small simple things you do can make an enormous difference in your finances!
Learn to grow your money without sacrificing your daily cup coffee!
Understand how to avoid getting in debt – never be caught off guard with your finances again!
And much, much more.