Mervyn Upton, a ruthless movie producer, has arranged to film his next project at Bychurch Grange, the country home of Roger Thingwall and his wife Hermione. Also staying at the Grange are the Thingwalls' friend Rex Hastings, who has fallen in a big way for Sylvia Crosby, the studio's big star. When the obnoxious Upton threatnes and insults Sylvia, Rex makes an impetuous declaration: "for two pins", he exclaims, he would gladly murder the objectionable man.
Next morning, however, Rex finds Upton's dead body in his room at the Grange. Fearing arrest, Rex flies for his life. But a chance meeting with an old friend leads him to accept an extraordinary propositon - and he soon finds himself back at the Grange, a clandestine investigator into the murder of which he is suspected...
Originally published in 1939, this is a vintage murder mystery from the golden age of British crime fiction.