The story follows the escapades of a freelance commercial pilot, and all the people he meets along the way. He is a complex character who loves to live life on the edge. He is passionate about flying and is willing to take risks in everything he does especially playing his women off each other. He is just like a chameleon in many ways, as he has a deep secret and a skill which is in great demand! It is a fictitious tale, and I am not even sure if such a person exists … heaven forbid it! … as it’s all from my weird and vivid imagination. But being a pilot myself it gave me the idea to write a distinctive style of adventure book, that has elements of intrigue, espionage, crime, murder, and love. Oh … and loads of flying across international borders. All the characters in this book are fictitious and if they bear any resemblance to any one, then its pure coincidence and there is no malice intended.