Since it hath pleased God to make way for me, through many very remarkable Deliverances and great Preservations, I am not willing altogether to keep silent; some whereof are mention'd in the following Treatise, which was first written for private Satisfaction, and now offer'd to publick View.
And having for several Years past left the Sea, and betaken my self to a more solid Retirement, than that Hurry at Sea admits of; I have taken a view of my former Transactions, and am willing to give some short account thereof, and of the many Deliverances and Preservations I met withal, (together with the manner of my Conversion, and the mysterious Workings of the Enemy to prevent the same) that so others may be encouraged to a serious Consideration of their Ways, and to stand still in the Counsel of God, and see his Salvation.
For as Silence is the first Word of Command in Marshal Discipline, so it is in the Spiritual: For until that's come unto, the Will and Mind of God cannot be known, much less done.
And as I know no way so Effectual to answer my End, than to Expose the following Treatise to publick View, I commit it accordingly, hoping it may be serviceable to some in this and future Ages: Which is the only thing aim'd at, and sincerely desir'd by me.
Thomas Lurting.