The story is that of a young woman, LEOHNDRA SANTORO, about to embark on a frightening and unforgettable journey in both the physical world and the spiritual one. Initially, the story begins with her as a child, experiencing a frightening episode that will later turn out to be a major event in her life, and that will help her discover her true self.
A series of terrifying and totally unexplainable events drive her almost to insanity, then eventually lead to tragedy. Leohndra finds she must decide whether to believe in her past, in that she may in fact be gifted and this may help her solve the situation, or decide if she is facing a physical threat by man.
Leohndra’s destiny is to face evil and conquer it. The only thing is, is that she has almost no religious or spiritual beliefs, and so when unnatural things begin to occur she cannot find any rational explanations. What Leohndra slowly learns, along with the reader, is that the physical ‘real’ world and the spiritual one, are completely inseparable, and that in life everything and everyone is connected. The reader shares the journey with her, bring dragged through the ancient town of Lentini in Sicily, through chilly London and the stunning beauty of the Grampians. In a slow and steady pace, they share her fears and confusion, wanting her to make sense of it all. Leohndra comes to understands the cycle of life, in that we are all linked by an invisible, universal thread and that despite death today, there is always life tomorrow.