Debt is simply the money you owe; it is an amount of money or other property that is owned by one person, organization or company. It is not the credit you owe as credit turns into debts. Getting into debt is very easy and maybe it is fun for some people, as it might impress them. As a first look, people are happy, they can buy without having cash, and they can afford to get a car even without having the budget etc. but they missed the best part, they will live and drive this car for 12 years to make payments and pay huge interests for what already impressed them!
Whoever heard of cholesterol? Much like cholesterol, where there is a good and bad cholesterol, debts comes in two versions. Good and bad debts. Debts can make your life easier or ruin your life but however bad your debt problems, there is a solution. People and businesses who know how to handle debts and how to manage their credits can take advantage of debts while people especially young who do not have a big knowledge in debt management and creating debt reduction plans are always in troubles.