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The Angel of Death Part II

The Angel of Death Part II The Angel of Death Part II

作者:Jerry Jones 
出版社:J. C. Jones
$ 0
圖書介紹 - 資料來源:樂天KOBO   評分:
圖書名稱:The Angel of Death Part II

        If you have already read, The Angel of Death part 1, you would know by now, God is very unhappy and angry over the way man has evolved through the decades and centuries of time, as great thinkers, and inventors. As time passed by, humans have improved their way of life and living conditions on earth, leading up to modern humans today, who can see and talk to other humans all the way on the other side of the world. Humans are capable of great achievements for humanity to improve their well-being, but instead, destroy everything they touch. The number one thing humans are greatly known for, is in the way they perfected their ways of killing and destroying anything and everything they cannot have for themselves.

        They will kill everyone and destroy everything in their path to achieve their goals. Their number one goal is to feed their insatiable appetite for material possessions. Man, never gets enough material possessions, having all he can gather. He wants more, and more, with him going through the process of taking all of yours or die trying. Man has a lot of human traits about themselves that make up their character or DNA, of making themselves human. Human traits like loving, nurturing, and caring for themselves or others, happiness, sadness, fearlessness, self-awareness, self-preservation, and generosity. The three human traits that rule over all other traits is jealousy, envy, and greed.

        Humans have repeatedly shown and demonstrated a trillion times over through the history of humankind, in the way they kill and destroy each other. God is finished with humankind, and wants to destroy it and start over, start fresh, which brings me to the story of John Griswall. John Griswall was robbed and killed in Chicago, for what was in his wallet. He woke up to find himself in heaven, to meet Ark Angel Michael, who offered him a job. Michael wanted John to become an angel of death in his army of angels. He wanted John to go back to earth, to a place of his choosing, John’s choosing that is, and become an angel of death. John wants nothing more than, to find his killer, and say goodbye to his wife he did not get to see ever again. He accepts the job offer from Michael and swears vengeances on everyone that is out doing bad instead of doing good for mankind.

        John goes back to Chicago and wreaks havoc in a path of dead bodies left in his wake. Body after body turns up dead, making the police think there is a vigilante killer loose in the city after the body count rises. City officials are hot on the police departments to find this serial killer and bring him to justice. It all falls into the lap of the 43rd precinct and the Chief of homicide, Capt. Brent Davison, and his team of detectives. Detective Sgt. Christy Evans, David Brown, Avery Jackson, and Pete Hamilton make up Chief Davison’s crack-team of hard-nose detectives with a, case-solved record that no other homicide department in Chicago can touch. As the bodies accumulate Christy and her team chase the killer all over Chicago. They clean up the aftermath of one of his kills and wonder when and where he is going to strike next. “Deep down inside, top officials really do not care, because the killer is only killing criminals, saving them the time of jailing, court trials, and the overcrowding of prisons.

       The pressure on the team to catch him and bring him in has never been greater after he killed the corrupt Governor of Illinois, Governor Wilfredo Ruiz. Christy and her team find clues, and evaluate evidence to the point of not believing their own eyes, not believing their own thoughts, and revaluating their own judgement on this killer. No killer has every killed like this, in the way he kills all his victims and leaves his death cards behind. The killer or killers doing these acts of vengeance, have super-human strength in the way the killings are carried out. No human can kill like this, it is totally impossible. John Griswall knows it is only a matter of time before they catch up to him, and he is forced to deal with them. He slowly brings them closer to him with all his clues and his thoughts he to sends them. He lets them know, that he knows they are after him. He tells them he will decide when they are ready, worthy, and deserves to meet him.

        Christy starts to believe something other than human is doing the killings. She talks to her Chief and others, about her thoughts of a non-human doing the killings. A holy angel has come to town. They think she is losing her mind, and has a screw loose going crazy, thinking this way. A great number of people, and officials don’t believe in angels. She is forced to prove she is right, fighting an uphill battle to get others to change their way of thinking and back her on her idea of the killer. Which brings me to the point of them talking to John and finally convince him they are ready and worthy enough to meet him and ask him? “Why, why now, why in Chicago does he even care enough to clean it up, of all the filth and scum in killing the criminals? Christy and David setting outside of Michael Millers house, John’s personal assistant and driver, waiting for Michael to come home and led them to John and the most important meeting ever of their lives. Michael is on his way home now knowing the cops are there waiting on him.

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